Your thrilling basset hound news for Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019

 I took a picture of Tilly in a contemplative mood on her couch at 2 p.m.Tuesday.

Broadmoor Bureau Chief

I've got basset hound news you can use for Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019, and believe me, there's a lot going on in the world of basset hounds and I can offer only some of it.

First and foremost, the best news is that it's Tilly Tuesday, and I took a picture of Tilly in a contemplative mood on her couch at 2 p.m. That's the picture at the top of this post. She was contemplating a yawn and right after I took the picture, she yawned, which is one of her most physical daily activities, and then she took a nap.

What else is going on?

Well, Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood is the owner of a basset hound and I learned that through social media, because where else can you learn anything?

It turns out that Dolly, his dog, is not a basset. She's a beagle, so spreading the news through social media might not be a good thing. That's too bad.

Here's some news that is not bad for the basset lovers among us. It's really good.

Facebook debuted a TV ad last week starring basset hounds. gives a synopsis of the ad and I will share it with you.

When a basset hound and his owner visit a dog park and find it to be devoid of other basset hounds, the pair feels alone. Fortunately, the man finds a beacon of hope in the form of a basset hound group on Facebook. The two rush to meet the others on the beach for a puppy play date where the basset hound owners bond as their pups frolic and play in the sand. Facebook says to find more that brings people together.
Tilly would never get close for the chance to play and frolic in the sand because we have a dirty beach where we live in Gulfport, Miss.

There's a song with the commercial and it's "Back in Baby's Arms" by Patsy Cline.

I've enjoyed seeing the ad and it's also on YouTube. In fact, the YouTube clip is right here. I call it a Worldwide Exclusive for Tilly Tuesday.

 Facebook has about 100 basset hound groups and I'm a proud member of three: Basset hound, The Wonderful World of Basset Hounds and Basset Hound Lovers. Ronnie Wood might be in the group Bagle Lovers (Basset Hounds & Beagles), where folks can mistake his basset for a beagle.

Please come back next week for Tilly Tuesday. Just remember it’s not Taco Tilly and it’s not Taco Tuesday at Pictures of Tilly. It’s Tilly Tuesday.


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