Your exciting basset hound news for Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019
Broadmoor Bureau Chief
It's the first day of Tillytober, and I have no idea what that means except that Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019, is Tilly Tuesday.
Every Tuesday I take a picture of Tilly, our 6-year-old basset hound here in Gulfport, and I post it on this blog.
But before I get around to writing about the latest Tilly Tuesday portrait, it's time for the exciting basset hound news roundup.
The 2019 Basset Hound Club of America Nationals in Denver began Friday, Sept. 27, 2019, and will run through Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019. It's interesting that Sept. 27 and Oct. 5 are the birthdays of my grandchildren, and Tilly knows the kids quite well, though this factoid means nothing to the bassets competing in Denver.
And exactly what is on the schedule at the Nationals?
The events include agility trials, obedience trials and field trials. There are no laziness trials, which is disappointing because Tilly would win in a sweep.
Tilly is not lazy 24/7/365. Her favorite kind of exercise is bowl soccer, which she plays inside our house. When her food and water bowls are empty, she will use her nose to knock both bowls across the floor in the back of our home to let us know she's hungry and thirsty.
There's clattering. There's barking. There's howling.
"OK. Just a minute!"
If the Nationals had bowl soccer, she would also win that and I predict the score would be something-nil.
The photo at the top of this post was taken at 2 p.m. Tuesday and I had to wake Tilly up. She looks drowsy and perhaps that's because she was having a deep dream about sweeping the laziness trials and the bowl soccer finals at the Basset Hound Club of America Nationals.
One more thing about laziness comes from a Woman'sDay post.
The headline: The Laziest Dog Breeds For People Who Don't Want to Play Fetch All Day.
The story features a photo gallery and a basset hound leads off the gallery.
The description with the basset picture:
Basset Hounds are known for their laid back personalities. According to the American Kennel Club, they do need moderate exercise, like a daily walk "at a moderate pace." Afterward the AKC says they'll "typically settle down for a comfortable sleep." What more could you want?Tilly couldn't want more.
Please come back next week for Tilly Tuesday. Just remember it’s not Taco Tilly and it’s not Taco Tuesday at Pictures of Tilly. It’s Tilly Tuesday.
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